Thursday, January 8, 2009

Starting a new year

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
A new year has started... It's 2009. I can't really believe how fast time has passed... I am graduating college in June and I hardly even realised it has already been three years since I finished high school. I'm finally turning 21 this year and it seems that a lot of changes lie ahead. 
Like everyone in the world, I have been thinking and thinking what could be my new years resolution. But I can't seem to come out with anything smart...
Resolution 1: I will only date guys with whom it is actually possible to build a stable relationship.
Resolution 2: I will be nicer to my parents and less short-tempered
Resolution 3: Less parties and more thoughts about what I am going to do next
The problem is, I don't like making resolutions because they never work out.
We tell ourselves this year is going to be different, this year is going to be MY year. But then we end up disappointed because we look back at what has happened and the year doesn't seem to have been as eventful as we hoped.
My 2008 was not good nor bad. Love was not on my side this year, but my career was... I look back and don't really regret anything I have done. Of course there are always minor things that I would change if I could, but all in all I am pretty satisfied. 
So what do I wish for 2009? I really don't know... I guess my resolution is really going to be: 
I won't make my happiness dependent on anyone else but me. Whatever happens is meant to be, and to every rainy day there is a sunny one to follow... 

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