Friday, July 31, 2009

What's love?

Many times in my life I have confused drama and big theatre with love. Movies and soap operas polute our heads and make us think that real love has to be painful, dramatic and exciting all the time. If there are no tears, no slamming doors and no hurtful words then it is not real love.
It took me a long time to realise that this is not actually the case.
Unfortunately what we see on TV still influences our daily mind and there is no way we can go through the day not comparing ourselves and our relationships with what we see on television.
When I think of love I think of great, big feelings that are so overwhelming that they just need to burst out of me.
But real life is different. There is no screaming, no crying, no begging and forgiving. It is just daily life, how we live and breathe.
Me and my boyfriend usually spend 24 hours together when I am off work. We go to sleep together, wake up together, have breakfast together and so on...
But every now and then I wake up and start wondering if there is maybe more to love than this. I enjoy every single minute we spend together, no matter what we are doing but sometimes, just sometimes, I would like to be treated like I am the most important thing in the world..
What I want is actually pretty simple... Just a sticky note saying "I love you", or a daisy he found that morning laying on her pillow because its the little things that mean the most...
I am not saying my boyfriend doesn't show his affection for me. When we go out with our friends, I can feel him looking for my hand to put on his lap. I can see him eyeing suspciously at other guys. I can enjoy every kiss and hug...
But not always do actions speak louder than words. "I missed you" and "Honey" are such easy words to say, but somehow they never seem to come out of his mouth.

So what is love? What defines how much someone cares for you?

I guess different people just show their affection differently, and at the end of the day, no matter what I am missing somedays, I care for him because of who he is... not who I would like him to be.

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