June 2009
After three years of working hard, studying and mostly having fun with my friends and enjoying the beautiful swiss sites I have obtained my first university diploma...
The first step to finally starting the career that will hopefully someday lead me to become something great.
Graduating is a happy moment. We finally get the acknowledgment for all the hours of work we have put into reports and projects. All the hours where all we wanted to do is sleep but just had to write a few more pages... all the hours where we just felt like killing our group mates... and all those hours were it just seemed impossible to make it until deadline.
But graduating also means the end of something great.
College years will always be unforgotten... Friends were made and some were lost again. We fell in and out of love... there were many many laughters but also many tears. Drama and happy times. That is all part of my last three years.
I have met people that I am quite sure will be part of my life for a very long time... I have learned a lot about reading others and I have learned a lot about myself.
What type of people am I willing to surround myself with and how I want to live my life... those are the two big lessons college has thought me.
People will not always turn out to be the way you thought... you will get disappointed, hurt and sometimes their actions will shock you. Some of my friends turned out to be ennemies and untrusthworthy, but nevertheless I am happy to have met them.
Without having known them I would never have become less naive... I used to trust anyone and believe that everyone is good... just with some people it is harder to find their greatness.
Well now I know, some people can't be trusted, some are just downright mean and some... well some are just hurt sad and lonely and don't know any better but to hurt the ones that care for them.
College was great... Going back knowing the end is near scares me but it is also exciting.
Congratulations too all of us: the GRADUATES of 2009!!!!!
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