Monday, April 20, 2009


Our whole life consists of dates... birthdays, wedding anniversaries, graduation day, the day of someones death...
We spend all our time memorizing what happened on what day last year, five years ago, ten years ago... But when you start thinking about it:
Of what importance is the date? The calendar has a magic that makes us imagine a memory can be resurrected and revived, but nothing returns.
I love the whole: "We have been together for a month today".... for a year... for 32 years.
My parents have been married for 32 years... on the same day I was celebrating the end of the first month of relationship with my new boyfriend.
Isn't it funny how big something might seem to you, but how minimal it suddenly becomes when you compare it to other people?
Why do we so desperately cling on to dates of the calendar to determine our happiness? We fight and struggle to get to that one year mark... but shouldn't it just come by itself? Time should fly by and dates should be of no importance. People should not celebrate being in love once a year, but every day they are together.
We should not celebrate the day we came to the world once a year, but should embrace the fact every single day of our lifes, no matter how happy or sad we are in this moment.
No matter how much you consult your memory, the evidence, and events of the day, you'll simply end up clinging desperately to your attempt to rediscover that lost happiness and a time that has disappeared forever.
Never hold on to old memories.... just make new ones!

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