Sunday, March 29, 2009

If eyes could talk

Admitting how you feel is never easy.
Most of us don't want the person that just broke our heart into a million small pieces to know how hurt we are.
Women are supposed to be the sensitive sex. The ones that get soft when seeing a cute little puppy, the ones that cry watching a romantic movie, the ones that sigh at the sight of fireworks and sunsets.
I think women are actually the stronger sex. Of course men are thought that big boys don't cry.
But it is also expected from women... Big girls don't cry.
How many times did I cry in silence in my room so that no one could see how weak I actually am. Being strong in front of everyone else is the only protection a girl has from the outside world.
Most of us carry our heart on our sleeves. We fall for the wrong boys, reject the good ones and end up getting hurt and wondering how we could have let it get this far.
If only the person you love could read your true feelings in your eyes. How many times have I tried looking into the eyes of the person that just broke my heart trying to show how hurt I am while I am saying: "It's okay, no worries, I get it..."
But eyes don't talk. In German we say "Augen sind die Spiegel der Seele".... "Eyes are the mirrors of your soul". But people can't read your eyes, or they choose not to. Not only tears show pain... if you look into someones eyes you can figure out how they truly feel... past what they say and how they behave. Eyes don't lie.
But it is easier to believe the words we hear, to believe that we didn't hurt the person we once loved and still care for, to believe that everything will be okay and that you didn't just break a part of someone.
Maybe it is better that eyes can talk... because then we don't have to listen to the truth.

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