Saturday, April 16, 2011


Moving to a new city and starting a new job is never easy. No matter where in the world you go, the first thought you have is: What are the people going to think of me? Are they gonna like me? Am I gonna find a like-minded friend?
Coming to Paris to work at the Ritz was a bit easier for me than it could have been for other people. Having worked there before I was sure to be at least surrounded by a few familiar faces and not being a complete stranger is always helpful.
Sure enough, on my first day at the job, many people came to greet me and tell me how happy they were I was back. It definitely did not feel like two years had already gone by.
Not being a stranger at work is great. But I still came home to an empty appartment with no friends to call in order to meet up for a coffee or a shopping spree.
When my GM told me, I was to work in the housekeeping department to complete my rooms division training I was mortified. Housekeeping is probably the worst department in a hotel. Its the most tiring one and its basically a totally feminine environment.
I used to say about me that I had an easier time being friends with guys and that girls would never accept me within their group. But I came to realize that it may be easier for me to get into a conversation with boys but that my actual friends always end up being girls.
Everywhere I have been I've always ended up surrounding myself with a small but magical and amazing group of girls and this time has been no different.
Meeting A and B has made us the crazy ABC-trio (no pun intended, not my fault our initials end up this way). We go have dinners, watch movies, have sleep overs and go party. But this time has been a little different because these girls have been more than just the casual friend you meet and lose along the way. They've been real and genuine Friends, with a big F.
They've helped me through some very rough times and God only knows there has been quite a few in the past months and I've always had an open ear for their worries and pains.
We've been supporting each other for almost a year now and I can't believe time as gone by this fast.
These girls have become my family away from home, as they invite me to their house for christmas Eve when my own parents and sister are miles and miles away. I'm glad I've found my girls again, especially cause these owns are very special.

1 comment:

Cosmopolicious said...

where's the like button? ♥