Leaving is never easy and the people that tell you it becomes easier with time are lying.
I move to another city every six months in average. Which means every six months I start over again.
At first I only thought about the positive things change brings. You get to have a fresh start. You meet people that don't know anything about you. You meet new people that have no judgement about you and don't know about the mistakes you have made in the past. It's exciting. A new city, new faces... every day is special.
But when you have moved away a few times and lost contact with people you care for because they changed their cellphone number or the email address you have from them doesn't longer exists it starts making you sad. The guy you went on a few dates with and with whom you felt like you could fall in love with is no miles away and of course you had to meet him just a few days before you left. All you have is a phone number... and if he loses that phone you are left with nothing but a fading memory.
Munich, Montreux, Geneva, Manila, Paris... in the last two years I have spent a few months here and there. I have met strangers, made them my friends and some of them even became as important as family.
But then you leave... and it is never easy. Can goodbyes ever be easy? I don't know... all I know is that I have left Paris and the city of love has kept a part of me...
Goodbyes are hard, they hurt and they are sad... so I am done with the goodbyes. I am just going to stick around with the "I see you soon"'s.
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